
This project uses three.js. Make your choice and press reset. Or press play button and change settings.

  • n-rows by m-levels


// JENGA ///////////////////////
  /* add levels */
  var moveX = boxWidth + boxGap;
  var moveY = boxHeight + boxGap;
  /* draw copies in a row */
  for (var j = 0; j < numFloors; j++) {
    for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
      /* modulor => every second level */
      var modFloor = j % 2;
      if (modFloor == 0) {
        cube.position.x = ( - ((boxWidth + boxGap) * ( numRows - 1 ) / 2 ));
        cube.position.z = 0
      } else {
        cube.position.x = 0;
        cube.position.z = ( + ((boxWidth + boxGap) * ( numRows - 1 ) / 2 ));
      var cubeSec = cube.clone();
      /* rotation of every second level */
      if (modFloor != 0) {
        var rotateBox = 90;
        cubeSec.rotation.y = ( rotateBox / 180 ) * Math.PI;
      cubeSec.translateX( i * moveX )
      cubeSec.translateY( j * moveY )
      scene.add( cubeSec );

Entwerfen T:E:T:R:I:S Architecture

Algorithmus unterstütze Planung zur Entwicklung eines nutzungsvielfältigen mehrgeschossigen Gebäudes

Das Entwerfen mit dem Titel „T:E:T:R:I:S“ verbindet die Planung eines mehrgeschoßigen nutzungsvielfältigen Gebäudes mit digitalen Entwurfsstrategien. Als algorithmische Planungsunterstützung sind drei Strategien denkbar: ...

eCAADe 2023:
F2F: Algorithmic approach on kindergarten architecture

F2F: Algorithmic approach on kindergarten architecture
Talk and Proceeding: eCAADe 2023 – Digital Design Reconsidered (TU Graz | conference)

In the context of the design studio "Kindergarten meets Easy Rider", new and innovative ways of building kindergartens were examined. In more detail, we took the biking milieu with its demand for freedom and individualism as a starting point for rethinking kindergarten design. ...