

To be able to look at the projects listed in tha navigation you will need either the "VRML Plugin" (e.g. cortona3d) or a VRML player (e.g. Cosmos). Although Cosmo Player is no longer supported by CA, you may still find websites from where you can download Cosmo Player.

  • "VRML Plugin" ? Cortona VRML Client for Mozilla Firefox and Netscape Browser (1st April 2008)
  • "VRML Plugin" ? Cortona VRML Client for Internet Explorer (1st April 2008)

how to do

  • ACAD: export as dxf-file
  • 3D StudioMax: import dxf-file
  • 3D StudioMax: save as max-file
  • 3D StudioMax: export as wrl-file

or alternative for import of more complex files
(If the object is too complex, the file-size of the wrl-file would be too big for a fast presentation in the world wide web)
In this case it is possible to import a dwg file into the 3D StudioMax with a 'Weld threshold' of e.g. 0.05 to 0.1.
But if there are smaller parts in the objects you will get holes. So it is the question of either size or complete presentation of the object.

  • 3D StudioMax: import dwg-file
  • 3D StudioMax: save as max-file
  • 3D StudioMax: export as wrl-file


  • open the wrl-file with notepad
  • only the initial camera position is right
  • delete all other camera positions
  • 3D StudioMax: export as wrl-file (with index 'a') with a new initial camera position
  • copy information about the new camera at the top and paste it in the original-file
  • delete whole informations, which contains 'camera_Animated' (in the bottom part of the text)

WRL-file lighting

using object lightings:

  • sign rows with unused lights by '#' directly in wrl-file
  • turn off headlight

no object lightings:

  • turn on headlight

Entwerfen Reuse, Recycle, Reduce

Algorithmisches Bauen mit und für die Kreislaufwirtschaft

Das Entwerfen mit dem Titel „Reuse, Recycle, Reduce: Algorithmisches Bauen mit und für die Kreislaufwirtschaft“ verbindet die Planung eines mehrgeschoßigen Wohngebäudes mit digitalen Entwurfsstrategien.

eCAADe 2023:
F2F: Algorithmic approach on kindergarten architecture

F2F: Algorithmic approach on kindergarten architecture
Talk and Proceeding: eCAADe 2023 – Digital Design Reconsidered (TU Graz | conference)

In the context of the design studio "Kindergarten meets Easy Rider", new and innovative ways of building kindergartens were examined. In more detail, we took the biking milieu with its demand for freedom and individualism as a starting point for rethinking kindergarten design. ...